Serbian Highflier

Country of origin:}  .City Of Belgrade,Serbia, Yugoslavia.

General Appearance:}  Small to medium compact pigeon with flat vertical crest.  Stance to
be at a 45% angle.  Lively appearance as if ready to fly.

Head:}  Long and narrow with pronounced flatness on top.  Forehead to angle down in line
with the beak.  Crest to be flat across back of skull reaching to just above top of head.

Beak:}  Medium long angled downward and slightly curved.  Top mandible to be in line with forehead.  Stained in dark colored birds.  All others to be clear.  Ceres to be fine and colored
in accordance with color of bird.

Body:}  To be short and stout. Solid and well muscled. Short keel.  Feathering to be tight
with no gaps.

Eyes:}  Pearl with as little gravel as possible,  Eyes to be centered just in front of the middle of the skull.  White or Balds may be Bull eyed. Ceres to be fine and colored in accordance with color of bird.

Neck:} Rather stout.  Tapering slightly from body to head.  Length of neck to be in
proportion to body.

Tail:}  Short and close with good webbing. 12 tail feathers,  carried just off the ground.

Wings:}  Long,  to reach tip of tail with strong and prominent wing buts. Carried above the
tail.  Flights broad and over lapping with good cover.

Size:}  6-9 ounces. Short keeled.

Legs and Feet:}  Clean legged.  Skin to be red in color.

Colors and Markings:}  All colors and patterns are acceptable.  Pattern not to effect quality.

Faults:}  Feathers on legs,  rounded head,  over long or thin in body,  long keel,  overlarge
size,  eye color other than Pearl or Bull in White and Balds,  more or less than 12 tail feathers,  any evidence of being crossed to other breeds.

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