Saxon Pouter

ORIGIN: Developed in the vicinity of the Saxon/Thuringian border around Naumburd and Weissenfels. Its beginning can be traced back to Prague and Dutch Croppers in the first third of the 1800’s.
OVERALL IMPRESSION: Erect, slim pouter with long, muffed legs, and pear-shaped globe. Several color varieties exhibit white barring.
HEAD (2 pts.): Rather long and narrow; rounded, with a high forehead. Always plainheaded.

EYES (2 pts.): Orange to yellow, bull in whites. Eye cere color varies according to the feather color.

BEAK (1 pt.): Long, strong at the base, flesh colored in whites, yellows, and reds. (Reds are permitted a slight tendency towards darker beak coloring at the tip). Isabels to have light horn-colored beaks; blacks and blues have dark beaks. Wattles are flat and smooth.

NECK (10pts.): Long; pear-shaped globe which forms a slight angle where it joins the waist. Back of the neck to bow slightly.

BREAST (7 pts.): Long keel and waist.

BACK (6 pts.): Narrow, steeply angled.

WINGS (4 pts.): Narrow, long; butts carried loosely; wing tips to meet or cross slightly.

TAIL (4 pts.): Short, closed, forming a line with the back. Not to touch the floor.

LEGS (15 pts.): Long, not too wide set; thighs fully visible. Straight when viewed from the front.

MUFFS (15 pts.): Long hock feathers; full, medium-length boots.

FEATHERING (5 pts.): Tight and well-developed.

COLOR CLASSES: White, black, red, yellow, blue bar, blue check, blue barless, larked (silver check with gold breast), "mehllicht" (silver bar with gold breast); white bars in Isabel, black, red, yellow, and blue; opal bars in all colors.

COLOR AND MARKINGS (20 pts.): Deep, rich, even color. Isabels to be the most delicate color from which the white bars visible contrast. In the other white barred colors, rich colors and good bars are seldom seen. For this reason judges are asked not to place too much emphasis on color.

SERIOUS FAULTS: Plump or too horizontally carried bodies. Too short neck. Not enough globing ability. Too long from the legs to the tip of the tail. Short legs. Very short hock and foot feathering. Very dull color. White backs on the blues. Missing gold color on larked and mehllicht. Uneven or too dark color on isabels.

Overall impression - Station and Carriage - Globe - Foot feathering - Color and Barring

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