Reversewing Pouter

ORIGIN: Saxony and Thuringia in the early 1800’s.

OVERALL IMPRESSION: An upright pouter that stands at a 70 - 80 degree angle. The Reversewing Pouter is a large but streamlined bird. Its eye catching markings and excellent color greatly enhance this highly admired bird.
HEAD (1 pt.): Plain headed, medium size and neat in appearance.

EYES (4 pts.): Bright bull eyes with neat flesh colored ceres.
Eyes of any color other than bull, such as orange or cracked, are serious faults.

BEAK (4 pts.): Beak to be well formed and fairly long. The wattles to be neat and smooth. Beak color in reds and yellows to be flesh tone. In blacks and blues the upper mandible to be entirely black or dark in color with the lower mandible flesh tone.
Stained beak in reds and yellows and completely flesh tone in blacks or blues are serious faults.

GLOBE (15 pts.): In proportion to the rest of the bird; large, well inflated, with back globe. The globe should not appear perfectly round, it should be wider at the top, ie pear shaped.
Lop-sided globe and lack of globe are serious faults.

BODY AND STATION (15 pts.): Upright standing with the side profile showing the bird standing at a 70 to 80 degree angle. Approximately 2/3 of the body should be carried forward of the legs so as to accent the long legs and waist. The keel should be well defined and the breast slim. The back profile should appear as a straight plane with a slight lift of the tail. The shoulders to be concave and not too wide. The back should taper as it reaches the tail. The tail should be of medium length and two feathers in width. The wings should be held tightly against the body and show no butts. The flights should be well folded and rest on the tail. The flights should end about ½ inch from the end of the tail and touch but not cross.
Serious faults include: overly thick body, boat type body, excessively thin body, round shoulders, wry and split tail, flights that sail, and excessively scissored flights.

LEGS (15 pts.): Legs to appear long and strong. They should look natural and be straight and not stilted. Looking from the front the legs should be straight. The legs to be spaced 1" to 1 ¾" apart.
Serious faults include: excessively short legs, legs (s) that slip sideways, legs set close together (as in Pigmy or English), legs that appear weak and folded, and legs that appear bowed when viewed from the front.

MUFFS AND HOCKS (14 pts.): The muffs should be multi-layered, large, rounded, and fanning backwards. The hocks should flow smoothly onto the back of the muffs rounding them out. There should be no break in muff pattern (absence of feathers). Muff feathers should be strong and thick quilled. The muffs should appear large and in proportion to the birds. The smallest allowable muffs are 3" long on each foot.
Serious faults include: muffs with no hocks, splits in muff pattern, muffs pointing straight forward, and tiny muffs.

MARKINGS (16 pts.): The head has a distinct colored spot on it, starting directly over the beak wattle and ending at a point in the back of the eyes. The spot is slightly elongated. Surrounding the spot and eyes is a white band that encircles the head that is approximately ½" wide. The spot can come to the top of the eyes, but a fine white line of feathers surrounding the eyes is most desirable. Looking at the bird from the back, there should appear a distinct heart shaped colored marking on the shoulders and top of wings. The remainder of the wings and the flights should be white. The globe, back, rump, and tail are colored. Coming down the waist from the globe about one-half of it should be colored. Where the color stops and white begins, there should be a straight even break. The legs and under carriage are white. The feathers under the tail are colored.
Serious faults include: lack of spot, colored wings, colored legs, and excessive mismarking.

COLOR (16 pts.): Color of the Reversewing to be excellent, extremely intense and very pure. Accepted colors are: Red - a deep and brilliant chestnut color; Yellow - a very deep and rich golden tone; Blue - medium gray head color, very dark and lustrous globe, heart marking a light and clear and clean pastel gray, tail to appear a shade darker than heart marking with a very dark band at its end; Black - brilliant in sheen, the color of hard coal, deep and lustrous.
Serious faults include: lack of spot, colored wings, colored legs, and excessive mismarking.

DISQUALIFICATIONS: Excessive trimming or plucking. Sickness or vermin infested. Faking in any manner such as artificial globe inflation. Physical deformities. Excessive mismarking. Extremely poor color. Lack of a spot. Grouse legs. Solid colored wings. Lack of globe.

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