Rafeno Pouter

ORIGIN: An ancient breed from the south of Spain (Seville). Referred to as the "owl pouter' but is not an African Owl.

OVERALL IMPRESSION: The Rafeno is a bird that presents a roundish figure. The chest is wide and rounded. The bird also has a short beak and dice-shaped head.  The Rafeno should be a small to medium-sized bird.


HEAD (20 pts.): Small and wide; well- proportioned and square-shaped with rounded corners. The nape should not protrude and the forehead should be as wide as the nose cere. The forehead is broad and somewhat sunken between the eyes.

EYES (5 pts.): Red in all colors except whites, which have bull eyes.

BEAK (15 pts.): Extremely short and thick with the upper mandible curved without seeming hawk-billed.

WATTLES (15 pts.): wide and medium-sized in young birds and the same width as the forehead. Smooth texture desirable but older birds have rougher wattle extending from the corners of the upper mandible in an arch.

CHIN WATTLES (5 pts.): Ideally, there should be three; one at each corner of the beak and one in the middle which is larger.  A single wattle in the center of the beak is permitted. Absence of chin wattle is permitted, though undesirable.

CROP (20 pts.): Low hanging without touching the ground. Medium-sized, pear-shaped with a vertical crease in the center. The feathering of the crease grows toward the center and does not show frilling.

BODY (10 pts.): Small to medium with rounded chest and flat back. Rump feathers abundant but not hackling as in the Marchenero. wings of medium size and should rest on the tail.

LEGS AND FEET (5 pts.):  Legs thick and short; well set apart and free of feathers. Thigh feathers loose.  Toe nail color to correspond with the beak color.

COLOR (5 pts.): All colors are allowed. Black, dun, blue, brown, ash red, and white are most common.

SERIOUS FAULTS: Long beak; wings carried below the tail; long legs; small crop; narrow head; round African Owl-type head.

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