Parlor Tumbler

BREED ORIGIN: Created in the United States in the 1850's from close breeding the craziest and also at approximately the same time in England. We recognize two types: 1) Tumbling- Performers, which do one or more somersaults in the air before landing on or around the same spot from which  it took off. 2) Rolling- Performers, which roll along the ground over a distance in a straight line.

PERFORMANCE: The Parlour Tumbler should be judged on performance before being judged on type and structure in order to eliminate the necessity of judging birds which may fly (this is not a Parlour Tumbler trait), or which may be misclassed.  The Rolling-Performers may be released by either of two acceptable manners from the starting point; 1) Released by hand behind the starting point and allowed to roll from the hand, or 2) Setting the bird down upon the ground, preferably on the starting line, clapping ones hands or snapping ones fingers together to commence performance. In case of Tumbling- Performers, only 2) is acceptable.

POINTS: The Roller-Performing Parlour shall be awarded points in the following manner: The farthest rolling bird shall receive 60 points, unless the distance rolled is under 60 feet; in which case the farthest rolling bird shall receive 55 points. All shorter distance rolling birds shall be down-graded in point value accordingly. For example, if the winning bird rolls 70 feet, then a bird rolling 35 feet shall be awarded 50% of the possible 60 points, which the farthest rolling bird received,  or 30  points.   The Tumbling- Performing Parlour Tumbler shall be given a possible 60 points for landing in the exact position from which it commenced tumbling (starting point), 5 points being subtracted for every inch away from the starting point it deviates. A foot away or better eliminates possible  performance  points. A Tumbling- Performer, which tumbles more than once in the air before landing should be given more consideration than a comparable placed single- performer. NOTE: A Parlour Tumbler or Roller that performs free of fluttering or without distinction of rolling to either side but rather rolling straight as possible shall be placed higher than a comparable placed Parlour that does not meet these guidelines. Suggest using a plus or minus system on a scorecard.

SKULL:  Round, full at cheeks.  Moderately high frontal between a Roller and a clean legged Tumbler. Proportionate to the size of the body.

EYE: Pearl colored and centrally located in the skull.

CERE: Medium or reasonably small, delicate in texture.

BEAK: Straight, sound and close fitting, or medium length and width.

WATTLE: Firm, neat, fine in texture and white in color.

NECK: Medium in length, approximately 2"
broad at base, gradually tapering at the throat
and slightly arched.

BODY: Short,  stout and  wedge-shaped,
prominent and wide in the chest.

CONDITION: Sound, firm, neither underweight nor overweight. Weight between 7 - 12 ounces. Should appear healthy and full of energy not sickly or unkempt.

FLIGHTS: Firm, closely set. Coverts closing over rump flights should be carried on the tail.

TAIL: Short, wedge-shaped, rather closely folded.

LEGS: Stout, of medium length and well apart.

CARRIAGE: Vigorously  upright,  sprightly, graceful, bold and jaunty. Squatting or crouching not desired.

FEATHERS: Firm, smooth, clean and tight fitting. Profuse and reasonably loose on the skull to give it fullness.

DISQUALIFECATIONS: Excessive plucking or trimming, dyeing or any means employed to deceive the judge. Any bird which rises over two feet from the ground. Birds showing deformity of  abnormality,  u n banded  birds, misrepresentation of type - allowing some exception  for  young  birds.  Under  all circumstances try to avoid allowing the birds to roll in their cages, as serious damage to the bird can result from this.

SOUNDNESS OF COLOR: Deep, even and of constant blend.

DEFINITIONS OF COLORS & PATTERNS: We recognize all known colors and patterns except those which are established as being only stock colors; these shall be judged in their basic color class. As marking can achieve a possible 3 points, so too shall new colors - those other than the standard

Parlour Tumbler colors: black, red, yellow, dun, white, and AOC's - where and only where the pigeon also conforms to Parlour Tumbler type and performance ability (until such time as they become a standard or more commonly seen color).

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