Standard for the
Kiskunfélegyháza (shell crested) Tumbler
Kiskunfélegyházi (fésûs) keringô
Issued by the
Kiskunfélegyházi Keringôgalambot Tenyészték Egyesülete
(Breeders association of the tumbling pigeons from Kiskunfélegyháza)

C/o Pászit u. 7
H-6100 Kiskunfélegyháza

Valid Hungarian standard as per April 2000.

Unauthorised translation by: Wil J. van Eijsden and Ernest Sumbo, Szekely B.u. 21, H-2111 Szada, Hungary.

Place of origin

The city of Kiskunfélegyháza in Southern, Hungary.

General impression.

Hardly medium to small sized body. Vivid and lively shell crested tumbler.
At the breast broad and well rounded toward the back narrower with the rump virtually horizontal.
Length from the crop to the end of the tail 23 - 26 cm.
Height from the ground to the top of the head 17 - 19 cm.


Compared to the body large and wide. The head of the cock is larger then from the hens clearly expressing the sexual diformism. The front-head is steep and high and the line continues well rounded without any break to the back of the head and neck.

Eyes and eye-ceres.

The eye color of the magpies and the self-whites is dark brown (bull eye). The self blacks, reds and yellows have a pearl eye. The ceres are narrow, two rowed, smooth and parchment colored.


Rather strong, tapering, closed, slightly sloping downwards, horn colored. The length from the beak angle to the end of the beak is 12 - 14 mm. Between the line of the slightly curved upper beak and the line of the forehead there is a small angle. The wattles are small, refined and white powdered.


Short, plump, and carried vertically, the front rounded, from the crop to the throat upwards only little narrowing.


Wide, strongly built, hardly lifted. 9 - 10 cm wide.


Short, in the shoulders wide, at the tail end narrow and slightly sloping towards the tail side.


Muscular and carried close to the body. The wing butt covered by the breast feathers. The tip of the closed wing (primaries) rests on top of rectrices (main tail feathers). The tips of the primaries in rest should just not reach the end of the rectrices.


Relatively short, narrow, closed, following the line of the back and slightly sloping downwards.  The main tail feathers should be carried closed together and the end of the tail should not touch the floor. Number of tail feathers 12.

Legs and feet

Legs short and far apart. Shanks and toes without feathers. The feathers of the leg above the hock are extended to cover the flanks and belly.  The color of the toenails should be the same as the beak.


Amply feathered closely adjacent to the body with rich colour.
The shell crest is richly feathered and white in the front. It is placed at the back of the head and bridges the head in a half circle extending downwards to the neck with a short chain at both sides of the neck. It ends in a small but clear rose. The feathers on top of the head run smoothly into the upright part of the crests.  The crest lining feathers at the back of the neck form a loose mane.

Color variations

Magpie: black, red, yellow and blue.

Selfs: black, red, yellow and white.

For all colors the entire body plumage must be evenly spread, deep and shiny. In the blue color a difference in shade is permitted in the neck and on the breast and the end of the main tail feathers carries a dark bar.


The basic color of the magpies is white. The head, except for the spot on the front of the head, the lining at the front of the crest and the front side of the chain, the neck until the middle of the crop, are white. Also white are the breast below the crop and the whole legs. White are the belly, the flanks, the back region, the rump, and the wings except for the heart. Colored are the spot on the front of the head which starts at the beak angle and goes upward along the eyes but does not touch the eye ceres, on the top of the head it ends a curve. The back of the crest and the chain at the back side, the back of the neck and the heart. Also colored are the plumage from the crop to the middle of the breast, the tail and the tail coverts.

Unsubstantial mistakes

For blue and black colored birds some color on the beak. Flesh colored ceres. The tail carried not totally closed. The separating boarder lines of the markings not totally clean cut.

Substantial mistakes

Large body size. Very small or indented nose wattles. Not well rounded or flat forehead, narrow head, an indented top of the skull and a rising back skull. A broken or not equal upright vail-like part of the crest. Red, one rowed or rough eye ceres.  A beak, which is dark, longer then described, too much downwards or forwards pointing, narrow or open. Long, narrow and not vertical carriage of the neck. Narrow pulled up breast, long, open back. Hanging wings, breast feathers not covering the wing butt, tail carried open. Long legs. Feathers on the shanks and claws. Loose, not shiny plumage or not richly pigmented.  The crest not circle shaped, with interruptions, low attached, leaning to the back or bending on the head, absence of a chain, mane or rose. Larger diversions from the described markings.

Judging order

Descending order of importance in judging.

The head, the shell crest and the beak, the body-form, -size and -carriage, the eyes, the plumage markings and color.

Ring Size
7 mm   (size IV)

Date:  April 2000
Place:  Kiskunfélegyháza, Hungary

János Kanalas

Lajos Farkas
Responsible board member for technical matters

Ildikó Mészáros

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