Dutch Cropper

ORIGIN: Holland. Related to the Pomeranian and Ghent Cropper; first bred in the 1600's.

OVERALL IMPRESSION: One of the largest croppers with heavy muffs; well developed hock feathers; medium height, almost horizontal station of body, and a well developed globe.

HEAD (2 pts.): Forehead  high and well rounded.

EYE (6 pts.): Orange, in whites also; cere fine and same color as beak.

BEAK (2 pts.): Medium length, small wattle; blue, black and all dark colored birds should have black beaks; all light colored birds should have horn or flesh colored beaks. This applies to marked and tigered birds.

CROP (25 pts): Crop large and as wide as possible without offset in chest. Crop should blend in with back and chest, without showing a waist.

BODY AND TYPE (20 pts.): Body wide, and well rounded.  Breastbone long and almost horizontal. Shoulders only with slight hollowness, tapering very little to the tail, almost appearing in a straight line.

WINGS (3 pts.):  Tightly fitting to the body, almost reaching to the end of the tail, without crossing.

TAIL (3 pts.): Long and wide, without touching the ground.

BODY FEATHERING (4 pts.): Hard and tight with wide feathering.

LEGS AND MUFFS (15 pts.): Medium length legs.  Hock feathers well developed, heavily muffed foot feathering.

COLOR AND MARKINGS (20 pts.): Selfs, rich in color, with well developed bars. Marked birds should have a half moon from ear to ear. Chest, hock feathers, muffs as well as 7 to 13 wing feathers must be white. Red, yellow,and cream should have light color tail, not white. All mismarked birds are docked in points. Mottles are grouped into either dark or light classes. Dark mottles: Wings, tail, and muffs must be of a solid color, rest of body is tigered.  Light mottles must be tigered all over. Tail marked in black and blue, only the tail must be colored, the rest of the bird is white.

FAULTS: Poor when body is carried too high. Body too small or narrow. Poor foot feathering. Back too short. When bird has rose markings. Legs too long.

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