Jassy Tumbler
(Jucator de Iaseni)

Trans. from German by Thomas Hellmann

Origin: The city of Jassy in Northeast Romania.

General Impression: Medium sized, round headed, beak crested, medium faced, clean
legged tumbler.

Head: Small and rounded with perfectly circular beak crest covering the cere and frontal.

Eyes: Pearl colored. Whites have bull eyes. Cere wide and smooth and yellowish to
pale flesh colored.

Beak: Hardly medium length. Wide at the base and light in color.

Neck: Of medium length.

Breast: Broad and rounded.

Back: Wide between the shoulders; slightly sloping.

Wings: Tightly fitting. Resting on the tail and not crossing.

Tail: Not too long. Well closed.

Legs: Maximum of medium length. Clean of feathers.

Plumage: Soft, but well fitting to the body. Not too long.

Colors: Selfs in white, black, brown, red and yellow.

Color and Markings: All colors intense, rich and clear.

Grave Faults: Crude or Long body. High station. Wide tail. Edgy head. Insufficient beak crest. Too long or thin of beak. Impure or bluish color.

Judging Order: General Impression - Shape of Body - Head with beak crest - beak and
eyes - color.

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